The Power of Positive Feedback

"Feeling gratitude without expressing it
is like wrapping a gift and never giving it."

- William Ward

My daughter recently told a co-worker that she was one of the nicest people she has ever worked with. Her co-worker was overwhelmed by the simple compliment and started to cry.

Last week I had lunch with a Vice-President of Human Resources. He said for the first time in his career, he has a boss that gives him positive feedback. He feels empowered and supported.

I am reading a book by a very successful author. He said he began thinking about a writing career when one of his junior high school teachers told him he was a good writer.

In a world full of critics, complainers, and downers let's be the kind of person who is generous with sincere compliments. They take so little time and effort and make a huge impact.

"The words of the reckless pierce like swords,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing."

- Proverbs 12:18

  • If your restaurant server is exceptional, look them in the eye and thank them for the good service (and leave a generous tip.)

  • If you are a leader, give those who report to you the recognition they deserve (by the way, it's your best retention tool.)

  • Tell your family members and friends specifically what you appreciate about them.

Make it your goal to give 3 sincere compliments a day.

Here is a simple life principle: you see what we are looking for. Look for the good. And when you see it, say it! 

The cool thing is when you encourage others, you will be uplifted. Life is a boomerang, what you send out comes back.