Essential Life Skills – The Big 7

"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life."
– Henry David Thoreau

In the marketplace, there are two sets of skills necessary to thrive; job skills and life skills. Job skills include talent, expertise, and competence.

But job skills alone results in partial performance. How many people do you know possess solid job skills but still do not succeed in the marketplace?

Here is a common saying in Human Resources circles:
People are hired for the job competency and fired for interpersonal incompetency.

Job Skills combined with Life Skills lead to Peak Performance.

These Life Skills enable you to thrive, not just at work, but in life.

I believe Life Skills can be categorized into 7 areas.

7 Essential Life Skills

Emotional Intelligence

The development of confidence, optimism, resilience, adaptability, and personal responsibility.

Communication Skills

The ability to persuade, teach, and present in a clear and confident manner and to actively listen.

Productivity Skills

The ability to set goals, overcome distractions and procrastination, and execute on the highest priorities to deliver superior results.

Leadership Skills

The ability to influence, deliver feedback and promote the development of others.

Relational Skills

The ability to connect with others in order to create a sense of likeability and trust.

Collaboration Skills

The ability to work well within a team, adapt to different personality styles and constructively handle conflict.

Customer Service Skills

The ability to create value, solve problems and delight your customers.

All of these skills can be developed through training, not trying.

As I continue to create Accelerating Excellence resources, I will be focusing my efforts on helping you grow in these 7 areas.

Developing these 7 Essential Life Skills will not only turbo-charge your career, but they will also lead to a life of flourishing.

Which of the 7 Essential Life Skills are you strongest?
Which of the 7 Essential Life Skills do you need the most improvement?

Feel free to reply to this email. I'd love to see your answers.
Your feedback will help me as I continue to develop resources.