Make the Best of Any Situation

"Without the dark, we would never see the stars."
– Miriam Wilson

About 10 years ago I created a Life Vision. It is a two-page document that describes how I want to live my life. I read it regularly to help me live with purpose and intention.

Although it's meant to be private, here is a portion of it.

"I make the best of any situation. I don't get too high or too low emotionally. My happiness is not dependent on outside influences. I know my internal attitude is far more important than my external circumstances."

In this uncertain time, we need to be smart. We need to be safe. But we don't need to panic. We will get through this.

I like to approach everything with what I call 'realistic optimism.'  For many of us, the road back is going to be tough. But tough make us stronger.

So how do we make the best of a bad situation today?

1. Look for the Good. 
Think of how you can best use your time and energy in the situation you are in. Within the scope of three days, all my engagements for the next two months came to a grinding halt. I have been wanting to write a book for years but my day-to-day business left me little time to write. I now have time to write the book. I am also practicing piano a lot more and de-cluttering the house.

2. Count Your Blessings. 
The Coronavirus has provided clarity on what's really important. Be thankful for your family and friends.

When we are sick, we are reminded of how we take our health for granted. In the same way, when we are confined, we can be thankful for our freedom. When store shelves are empty, we are reminded that we live in a place where the food supply and purchasing options are almost endless.

3. Reach Out to Others.
Don't neglect relationships. Call or Facetime others. Drop someone a card or note. Send an email to others to let them know you are thinking about them

Where you can safely help others, do so. If you are going to the store, ask an elderly neighbor if they need anything. Continue to be generous.

Don't play the victim. Don't give up mentally or emotionally. We as humans are incredibly adaptable.

Much of my business is working with the healthcare field. For those on the front lines right now, I want to give you a heartfelt 'Thank You.'You are truly heroic.

To those of us whose career or business has been hit hard, don't give up hope.  Although our future is uncertain, there are unforeseen opportunities that lie ahead. We simply need to keep our eyes open for them.

"A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner."
- English Proverb