The Appeal of Humble Confidence

"Never believe you’re better than anybody else,
but remember that you’re just as good as anyone."

- John Wooden

Successful people are a combination of warmth and strength.

Great leaders are also a combination of warmth and strength. Jim Collins in his book Good to Great, declares that research reveals the most effective leaders have a rare combination of professional willand personal humility.

We have a natural aversion to arrogant people. Those who think they are superior to others.

We are generally not inspired or positively influenced by passive or timid people.

But we are drawn to those who carry themselves with humble confidence.

Let's briefly take a look at the behaviors of those with humble confidence.


  • Humble people don't think less of themselves, they think of themselves less.

  • Humble people have a desire to grow and improve.

  • Humble people are open to feedback.

  • Humble people talk less and listen more.

  • Humble people ask for advice.

  • Humble people focus on others, not themselves.

  • Humble people treat everyone with respect.

  • Humble people know that everyone has something to teach them.


  • Confident people are respectful but not intimidated.

  • Confident people speak clearly and with conviction.

  • Confident people aren't worried about what everyone thinks of them.

  • Confident people greet other people with a warm handshake, smile and eye contact.

  • Confident people carry themselves with poise.

  • Confident people live out their values.

  • Confident people know they are never out of their league.

  • Confident people energize and inspire others.

A superiority or inferiority complex serves no one well.
Where are you on the humble confidence scale?

"When you are big, act small.
When you are small, act big."

-Leslie Koch